for school Christina, Sophie and Saskia had to write a poem about energy. here it goes

What would you do if you couldnt use water,What would you do if you were so cold? What would you do if you had no lights, i think id be kinda bold.

What would you do if you had no warm shower, Id stop washing for a week! What would you do If you had no hot bath, I wouldnt wash until i did reek!

You think you coudnt live without all this stuff, or even sleep without kettle-boiled tea, But the people long ago could do it just fine, so think twice before you start to scream.

If you want to see what it was like, back in those old days, Then come on down turn off your radiators, and save all the energy you can save.

     My Mum  by Alanna Kennedy.

my mum makes me smile, she makes me run a mile  

 Which means she's very fit, and she dosn't have nits.

Which means she dosn't scratch, So we're the perfect match.

She has a shop selling lotions and potions. I hope I can work there when it opens.

I wrote my name in ogham, And I'm sorry but that's the end of my poem.    

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